Hello and welcome to our very latest blog from ‘The Chatterbox’ in Silver Birch Dell!  This month we interviewed Melanie who’s part of our team…
1 What do you do in the Team?
My name is Melanie and working closely with Alison May, I look after the social media and Public Relations. I also help with the website and attend events and book signings too. I adore reading and it’s a real privilege to help spread the awareness globally about the wonderful adventures from Silver Birch Dell.
2 Who is your favourite character?
It keeps changing but at the moment, it’s Arty Chokey. He wears the cutest waistcoat, granddad style shirt and is rather cool! He loves gardening – as do I! Though my vegetable patch and garden doesn’t look as good as his.
3 How do you make sure you keep up to date with all things that happen daily through social media?
I usually start the day researching the latest news globally and locally, identifying things that relate to reading or the book industry generally.  I then review what our followers are saying, any feedback and events taking place.  I have to keep a close eye on the web – the internet never sleeps!
4 What is your favourite place in the Dell?
My ‘office’! I have a virtual office in the Dell’s Chatterbox where we publish all the social media and blogs.  It’s so much more fun than my ‘real’ office and the views are amazing.  I can imagine nipping out to Silver Birch Deli for a spot of lunch!
Thanks Melanie
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